Attention: recommend photoshop 2018 and later for best experiences
Note: Closed photoshop before install
Step 1: download FineArt Secret Panel
Download link for MacOs
Download link for Windows
If you get messege like this
Or watching the tutorial for turn off the messege here:
You Chose More Info if you got this messege
Step 2: Chose Install for all user
Step 3: chose Install
Step 4: wait finish Installing then chose Finish
Step 1: Restart Photoshop ( if open)
Step 2: Chose Windows/Extensions/FineArt Retouch Secret for Open the Panel
Step 3: active panel
Make sure you use photoshop 2018 or later, if you use photoshop old verion, Panel may not work well.
If you Panel not active yet, you will have a notification like this
Chose "Active" to Active your license
If you already pay, please type your email register when paying, our system will send to you your key to active license via email.
If not pay yet, you can chose "Buy Panel" to buy you license
After you get your active key, put your license key you get via email and chose Active to finish this step. And enjoy your retouching.
If you want Trial, chose "Start Trial", Panel will tell you when your Trial will end, you have 7 days Trial for using all function for FREE
Chose "Ending Trial" for finish your Trial
then put your key and chose Active to finish your activation and enjoy your Retouching.
Chose "Ending license"
Attention: one license only use for one computer, if you want change to another computer or re-install your OS, you need to "Ending license", if not, you key cannot active again. We dont have responsibilities for this if you not Ending your license.
Do step 3 again for setting on new OS or new computer
Chose Tutorials and enjoy our retouch tutorial on youtube, how to create FineArt